How to uninstall WordPress with Softaculous


With mixhost, you can easily uninstall WordPress installed with Softaculous in just a few clicks. It is also possible to delete directories, databases, and database users when uninstalling.

STEP 1: Log in to cPanel.

Log in to cPanel.

STEP 2: Click "WordPress" from SOFTACULOUS APPS INSTALLER at the bottom of cPanel.

*If you cannot find WordPress, please contact support.


STEP 3: Run uninstall.

Since the list of installed WordPress is displayed in "Current installation" at the bottom of the page, click the trash icon of the option.


The deletion details screen is displayed.
If you want to delete all associated directories, databases, and database users, click the Delete Installation button with each checkbox checked.


When the uninstallation is successfully completed, the following screen will be displayed.


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