How to remotely connect to a MySQL database


In the new plan that started offered on December 5, 2017, the remote MySQL function cannot be used due to security enhancement.

There are items on cPanel, but the port is closed and cannot be used, so we appreciate your understanding.
Also, even if you are a customer with an old plan, if you migrate the server (move to a new server), the security will be based on the new plan standards, so you will not be able to use the remote MySQL function.
In the future, it is expected that the remote MySQL function will not be available on all servers.

Setting method

In order to connect to the MySQL database from a remote environment for security reasons, the following measures are required for each connection source domain.

STEP 1: Log in to cPanel.

Log in to cPanel.

STEP 2: Open Database > Remote MySQL.


STEP 3: Set the host addition.

Add Access Host Enter the domain name of the connection source in the Host field and click Add Host.
If you are using a local machine, please enter the global IP address or domain name. If you are using a global IP address and not a fixed IP address, you will need to rewrite it each time.


After performing the above steps, please try to connect to the database.

The contact information is as follows.

Destination information

[IP Address] cPanel > Server Information > Shared IP Address
[Port] 3306



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